Silken windhound

Silken Windhound

The Silken Windhound was first bred in California by Francie Stull. This little dog was originally bred to catch mice. Now they are sought after for their excellent ability to catch greyhounds and many other types of birds. This small dog weighs between four and five pounds at full maturity. They have long ears, a short tail, large legs…



Schafpudelhund dogs are smaller than the classic poodle but are a very good all round breed. There is an inherent risk in Schafpudelhund puppies that they will suffer from birth defects, but more often these defects are covered by insurance. However, this coverage is not available in all states and costs can increase if the puppy is…



A puggle is an excellent dog to have as a family pet. Puggle puppies will not only give you the love and support you need to keep your relationship with them healthy, they will also provide you with a loyal companion and a loyal friend for life. Puggle dogs are very intelligent with a high…